Monday, November 9, 2009

The Counterculture Reacts - The Love Pageant - October 6, 1966

"SIXTH OF OCTOBER, 1966, Lunatic Protest Demonstration: a celebration to demonstrate opposition to legislative repression of chemical mysticism...

Six hundred to a thousand young souls (an educated guess) dancing with brave banners waving over their looney[sic] heads. Posters and placards in evidence. The one I loved best said: THE TRUELY INSANE ARE HELPLESS! I stood under that sign surrounded by the sanest people in San Francisco...

Young Beautifuls, young beggars and mummers, dancers and singers, laughing boys and girls -- soon to be outlawed -- that afternoon layed down their gentle message, loud and clear. LOVE.

For a few hours on October Sixth, they had their world their way."

-- The San Francisco Oracle, Vol. 1, Issue 2, p. 3

"Without confrontation, we wanted to create a celebration of innocence. We were not guilty of using illegal substances. We were celebrating transcendental consciousness. The beauty of the universe. The beauty of being."
- Allen Cohen, poet, founder of the San Francsico Oracle

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